Acute illness
Sinusitis, colds & flu, viral and bacterial infections, Upper respiratory illnesses, bronchitis, chronic cough, ear infections, tonsillitis, post nasal drip, hayfever, gastro-enteritis (food poisoning), bloating, cramping and digestive complaints, childhood diseases and teething in babies. Digestive complaints Constipation, haemorrhoids, diarrhoea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, GERD, bloating, food intolerances |
Rheumatism, Chronic Pain disorders, Headaches, muscular strain, and injuries Neurological MS, Parkinson’s (supportive treatment to standard medical treatment), Sciatica |
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Juvenile RA, SLE, Sarcoidosis, Crohn’s, Ulcerative colitis, endometriosis, Complementary/Supportive treatment of Cancer, and others.
Digestive complaints Constipation, haemorrhoids, diarrhoea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, GERD, bloating, food intolerances |
PMS, Irregular cycles, very painful cycles (dysmenorrhea), endometriosis and associated pain, PCOS, Menopause, Amenorrhea (absent periods), unexplained infertility, Infertility, androgen dominant women, estrogen dominance, hormonal imbalances, breech baby, lactation issues, pregnancy-related conditions.
Acne, eczema, urticaria, keratosis, dry skin, Rosacea rosea and alba, Lichen planus, vitiligo, allergic urticaria
Insomnia, Stress, Depression, crises, Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion, postpartum depression, burn-out/adrenal fatigue (emotional and physical correlations), fear of failure, phobias, OCD
We stock hundreds of medicinal herbs at Bine Health Center Johannesburg, we'll prescribe teas, powders, or pills to accompany any treatments and improve results. We custom blend the prescriptions and can have them ready to to be delivered to client address same day or next day, whichever is more convenient for our patients. We even offer the option of brewing the teas for busy patients, for a small fee.
Effectiveness of Herbs As the negative side effects of lab created prescriptions are coming to light, people are searching for a natural way of healing. Bine Health Center with significant documentation of results generated from thousands of tested herbs. Our Doctors studied intensively for many years and can lean on a network of established doctors skilled and experienced in prescribing herbs for challenging cases. Whatever you are facing, we will strive to come up with the best natural treatment plan to improve your health.